Monday, September 8, 2008

Selfish busyness

Indeed, a very busy day,
Not a moment to spare,
Unbound from the shackles of thought,
On such days I hardly care.
Nothing matters, even ones so dearly sought,
I feel free and faraway.

Inspite of the day being quite busy, and inspite of me trying to keep my mind blank, something strange did manage to happen. And now I cannot stop myself from thinking, atleast to some extent about the past. A blast from the past kinda thing:)!!! I am utterly confused....should I feel pity, or should I let myself derive sadistic pleasure from the situation(which somehow I am not being able to do as I cared too much once). I guess I should just let myself feel sad, and reinforce my belief in the statement that "whatever happens, happens for the best". It did, for me. Not for the other person though, probably.

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