Saturday, August 30, 2008

Oh dear friend of mine, come hither

I called up an old friend today, on impulse. I must admit I am going through a difficult phase emotionally(or is it just pre-menopausal symptoms...really? this early? that makes me an old hag then....can't be, nope). I desperately needed, still need, to talk to somebody, who will just listen, understand and not judge. Alas. She is far away. I have never begged anybody this desperately to come and visit me, I even begged her husband:). She used to understand me so well once, I am sure she will understand me now....but we need to meet for that. Alas again. It's not going to happen soon. I called her up on impulse, and while talking I realized just how much I miss her:(.

She said something, she misses me too, a lot. She nags her husband about this and he tells her that she has so many friends in her city, and she needs the only one who is so far away.....that's not fair:). Vice versa.

If there's one thing that I have learnt coming this far.......Life is very complex. Very.

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